Populaarsed sihtkohad TEZ TOURis:
  • kõik maad
  • Ekskursioonid
  • Eksootiline
  • Kõik hinnas
  • Lastega
  • Rannapuhkus
  • Suusakuurort
  • Suvi
  • Talv


TEZ TOUR on Ida-Euroopa suurim reisikorraldaja ja Rahvusvahelise lennundusorganisatsiooni ehk IATA liige.

TEZ TOUR kasvab kiiresti ning vajab lisajõudu. Tule ka Sina meie meeskonda!

Palun tutvu meie teiste tööpakkumistega siin.


TEZ TOUR Greece is advertising the following job roles for the 2024 summer season:



General Requirements:

  • European Union citizenship.
  • Driving license of one of the European Union countries and driving experience from 2 years.
  • Perfect Estonian.
  • Higher education.
  • Knowledge of English language.
  • Experience of working with the audience, the skill of active sales.
  • Willingness to work irregular hours.

It is welcomed:

  • Knowledge of several languages at a level not lower than Intermediate - Romanian, Lithuanian, Russian, Latvian, Ukrainian.
  • Driving license of categories A, B.
  • Experience in the specified position.
  • Knowledge and passion for the history, geography, culture of Greece.
  • Experience of working in Greece in the specified position.
  • Letters of recommendation.



General Requirements:

  • European Union citizenship.
  • Higher education.
  • Perfect Estonian and English.
  • Experience in the specified position.
  • Experience in working with audiences, active sales skills.
  • Willingness to work irregular hours.

It is welcomed:

  • Tourism education.
  • Knowledge of several languages at least Intermediate level - Romanian, Russian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian.
  • Knowledge and passion for history, geography, culture of Greece.
  • Letters of recommendation.
  • A driving license and driving experience.



General Requirements:

  • European Union citizenship.
  • Perfect Estonian.
  • Higher / incomplete higher education.
  • Knowledge of English language.
  • Experience in working with audiences, active sales skills.
  • Willingness to work irregular hours.

It is welcomed:

  • Tourism education.
  • Knowledge of several languages at least Intermediate level - Romanian, Russian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Lithuanian.
  • Knowledge and passion for history, geography, culture of Greece.
  • Letters of recommendation.
  • A driving license and driving experience.



General Requirements:

  • European Union citizenship.
  • Driving license of one of the European Union countries and driving experience from 4 years.
  • Higher education / secondary professional education.
  • Experience of work on a minivan 8-9 seats in passenger transportations.
  • Knowledge of English or Greek language.
  • Minimum 2 years experience in the specified position in any countries.
  • Experience in working with audiences.
  • Willingness to work irregular hours.

It is welcomed:

  • Knowledge of several languages at least at Intermediate level - Romanian, Lithuanian, Russian, Latvian, Ukrainian, Estonian.
  • Knowledge and passion for history, geography, culture of Greece.
  • Letters of recommendation.

Conditions: working period April - October 202, Greece (Crete, Rhodes, Corfu Islands & Peloponnese). The rest details are to be discussed during on-line interview

Please, fill up our CV form in English and send it to recruit@teztour.gr  1 full length photo is obligatory. Download the questionnaire form here.


GIID - Türgi 

Otsime rõõmsameelset, energilist ja hea suhtlemisoskusega giidi Türki, Kemeri regiooni. 


  • Saabunud reisijate vastuvõtt Antalya lennujaamas 
  • Hotellide ja lennujaama transfeeride saatmine (vajadusel)
  • Hotelli infotundide läbiviimine ja külalistega kohtumine 
  • Klientidega pidevalt ühenduses püsimine 
  • Klientide küsimuste ja probleemide lahendamine 
  • Ekskursioonide müük 

Ootused kandidaadile

  • Eesti keel vähemalt C1 tasemel
  • Vene keele oskus kõnes ja kirjas
  • Inglise keele oskus kõnes ja kirjas
  • Juhiload (vähemalt 2 aastat)
  • Töökogemus turismiturul (eelis)
  • Korrektsus
  • Õppimisvõimekus ja tahe õppida
  • Hea suhtlemisoskus ja positiivne meel
  • Täpsus, kiirus ja võime operatiivselt olukordi lahendada 

Ettevõte pakub

  • Väljaõpet
  • Toetavat meeskonda
  • Motiveerivat töötasu
  • Arenemisvõimalusi
  • Soodsaid reisimisvõimalusi

Palume kõik CV-d saata  Müügi- ja turundusjuhile, Jelena Gavronskile jelenag@teztour.ee





Lohistage lipp soovitud punktile
Kasutajate mugavuse, isikupärastatud teabe, isiklike eelistuste ja lehekülje seadete meeldetuletuse tagamiseks kasutab meie lehekülg küpsiseid ja muid sarnaseid tehnoloogiaid. Lehekülje kasutamiseks peate kinnitama oma nõusolekut nende tehnoloogiate kasutamiseks. Rohkem infot